The examination policies are derived from the guidelines and regulations set forth by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University (DBATU). The Examination section operates under the authority of DBATU and is overseen by the Head of the Institute (Principal). The university primarily utilizes an online system for conducting examination-related procedures. Here are the policies pertaining to different examination activities.
Admissions to the First Year Engineering and Direct Second Year Engineering courses are conducted in accordance with the government rules and regulations set by the Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra. This includes both the government quota and the Institute Level quota. Once the admission process is completed by the Directorate of Technical Education, the next important step is to verify the eligibility of each newly admitted student for their chosen course in the Institute. This verification process is done offline. The student must fill out the university Registration form after notification and university assign PRN (Permanent Registration Number) to each registered candidate. This number is essential for completing all online Examination forms of the university.
- Examination Form Process: -
DBATU offers two types of courses: undergraduate and postgraduate. In order to appear for the examination, each registered student must fill out the examination form. The examination form filling process is done online and the institute informs students when the process begins.
- Exam form filling schedule: -
The notice will be prepared by the examination section and sent to all students via all departments. The department Examination Coordinator will guide students to fill in the necessary information in the exam form. The department Examination Coordinator verifies the form filling and if any issues arise, they will inform the examination section right away and the examination section will forward the issue to the university via mail to the exam support. The exam support will solve the issue and inform the exam section about the status of the issue. The examination section will then inform the concerned students through the class coordinator to fill in their examination form.
- Examination form fees payment: -
Exam form fees are to be paid online through respective student login tab made available by DBATU ( After paying university fees student get payment receipt of successful transaction.
- Collection and approval of examination forms:
Students who have filled exam form and made successful payment transaction through student login is visible in institute login provided by DBATU ( The examination forms are available for approval in institute login. Once forms are approved by institute, student can download respective examination hall ticket. Examination section once again informs students to submit their examination forms through department Examination Coordinator (Those who have not submitted till last date).
- Examination forms after Late fees: -
Students, who have not filled the examination form before the last date, have to appear at the University for filling in the examination form if permitted by university (which rarely happens). Students can fill in the exam form only if the university allows them with super late and fine fees.
- Summary & Time Table: -
Students who have received examination hall ticket are shown in institute login provided by university. On the basis of student list available in institute login examination summary is prepared and as per university schedule examination conducted in institute.
- In sem Examination: -
- Throughout the course of a semester, the teacher will administer a minimum of two formal assessments to the students as part of the continuous assessment method employed during the semester.
- The method of conducting assessments under the continuous mode and the assignment of marks will be communicated by the teacher at the start of the course. This information will be shared with the Dean-Academics or Dean in the University, or the Principal/HoD in the college during the first week of the semester. Additionally, it may also be made available on the University/College Portal.
- The teacher is required to maintain a record of the ongoing assessment of a class for a minimum of three years and present it to the college Principal or Dean-Academics, if necessary.
- The teacher is required to submit the in-semester performance of all students, including both continuous assessment and mid-semester examination results, to the institute before the end-semester examination. Additionally, these results should be displayed on the notice board as well as on the College/University Portal.
- In accordance with the college's Academic Calendar, it is scheduled that each theory course will have a single Mid-semester test. This test will be conducted as per academic calendar.
- A student who has not completed in the in-semester continuous tests and/or midterm examination for one or more subjects will be deemed as not having fulfilled the requirements of the course. Consequently, they will be required to enroll again for the corresponding subjects/course in the subsequent academic year.
- Practical/Oral Examination: -
As per DBATU instructions Practical/ Oral examinations are planed institute
- Online Marks Entry:
Online marks entry for Termwork/internal/External is made through subject teacher login. In the process of marks entry, first step is to create HOD login through institute Examination coordinator. In second step faculty login is created by HOD. Once faculty login is created, HOD can assign subject to respective faculty and marks entry must be completed by faculty. The submitted marks by faculty are finally confirmed by HOD and are submitted to university. (
- End Semester Examination (University Theory) -
The final examination of the semester will encompass the entire course syllabus and will be administered in accordance with the University’s timetable at the conclusion of each semester.
- Passes and Fail :
(Revised as per the Item 8 of the Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting held on 19th August 2017)
(1) The candidates who obtain 40% and more marks in a subject head of the end semester examination AND 40% or more of the total marks of a subject head shall be deemed to have passed the respective subject head.
(2) The candidates who obtain less than 40% of marks in a subject head of the end semester examination and less than 40% the total marks of a subject head shall be deemed to have failed in the respective subject head (Grade FF).
- Stationary requirement: -
Depending on the strength of students to be appeared in University theory examination, examination section gives stationary requirement to university by email and Google form provided by university.
- Junior supervisor and peon requirement: -
Upon receiving the summary of the theory examination session, the exam section proceeds to distribute the requirements for junior supervisors to all departments, taking into account the allocation of 30 to 35 students per block. Subsequently, the departments provide the list of junior supervisors, which is then used to create a daily schedule for their duties. To ensure punctuality, the junior supervisors are notified via mobile messages about their assigned responsibilities. Additionally, the departments are also informed about the requirement for peons, which is sent along with the junior supervisors’ requirements.
- Seating arrangement plan: -
The Exam Section prepares a session-wise seating arrangement and block location chart. The exam section displays this on the notice board before the start of the exam. The seating plan for each block shows the assigned bench numbers and is posted outside that block. The block slip also displays the class, subject, exam pattern, and duration for that block. A copy of the block slip is given to the junior supervisor to help them understand the seating plan, subject, pattern, and class assigned to their block. The junior supervisor receives a set of barcodes listing exam details and students for their block, along with a junior supervisor report.
- Peon allotment: -
Prior to the commencement of the examination, a meeting is organized for the peons under the supervision of the Examination coordinator and the Examination section in charge. During this meeting, the peons are briefed about their responsibilities. Once the examination begins, the peons are assigned to different blocks where they carry out tasks such as cleaning, arranging desks, and providing necessary materials and supplements to the junior supervisors during the examination hours. Additionally, a few peons are designated for the arrangement of the Control room.
- Junior supervisor Duties: -
In the compilation of the list of junior supervisors, the allocation of blocks is carried out. The allocation of blocks is done in a way that ensures that junior supervisors from the same branch are not assigned to students appearing for the examination in the same branch. The allocation of blocks takes place one hour prior to the start of the examination. Junior supervisors are required to
sign in the reporting register before commencing their duties.
- Question paper downloading and printing: -
Question papers are accessed online in a secure and confidential environment through the university’s Question Paper Distribution (QPD) portal. This process takes place in a confidential room under the supervision of senior staff members. A one-time password is sent to the Principal and Examination Coordinator’s mobile phones by DBATU approximately 45 minutes before the start of the examination. The Examination Coordinator then downloads the question papers from the QPD portal and verifies the pattern code, class, and subject name. The master copy of the downloaded question paper is handed over to the QPD in charge. The question paper is then printed by Xerox machine operators in the expected number of copies as per the day-wise prepared summary. Additionally, around 5-8 extra copies of each paper are printed, some of which are required to be sent with the answer sheet bundles to the respective CAP, and one copy is kept in the library. All these activities are closely monitored through closed circuit TV cameras, with the Principal overseeing the proceedings in the confidential room.
- Question papers Distribution of in Exam blocks: -
Once the printing of question papers is completed, senior supervisors meticulously tally the number of question papers in accordance with the number of students assigned to each block for various subjects within a specific branch. Following the prescribed pattern, they then proceed to distribute the packets to the respective blocks with the assistance of the examination section in charge.
- Queries/corrections in the question paper: -
The examination coordinator is responsible for reviewing any inquiries or corrections regarding the question paper on the QPD query portal. If there are any queries, whether they are already available on the QPD portal or forwarded to the Principal or Examination coordinator’s mobile, the corrections in the question papers, as received from the university through the QPD portal, are disseminated to the relevant students who appeared for the examination by senior supervisors.
- Block wise answer sheet submission to examination control room: -
After the examination is concluded, the junior supervisor will tally and validate the quantity of answer sheets gathered in their assigned area before submitting them to the control room. In the control room, the senior supervisor will meticulously count and authenticate the answer papers, along with reviewing all additional information provided in the junior supervisor’s report. Subsequently, all the bundles of answer papers will be carefully packaged and sealed, taking into consideration the class, branch, and pattern. These securely sealed bundles, accompanied by the submission report from the senior supervisor, will then be dispatched to the respective Sub centers.
- Result analysis: -
The university ledger can be accessed through the institute login and is
subsequently sent to the Head of the department. These ledgers are forwarded by the exam section of the institute to the respective departments. At the departmental level, a thorough result analysis is conducted, which includes the number of students who appeared for the examination, the number of students who passed, and the number of students who achieved distinctions, first class, higher second class, second class, ATKT, etc. This result analysis is carried out for each subject across different classes, ranging from FY to Final year B. Tech. The result analysis is then forwarded to the administrative office, specifically the Principal’s office. A list of the top three students in each class and branch is prepared, and this list is verified by the respective departments. The statement of marks for students is generally received from DBATU approximately 30 days after the results are declared, and it is subsequently distributed to the students
- Photocopy and revaluation: -
After declaration of university results, students have the option to apply for a photocopy and revaluation of their answer book if they are unsatisfied with their results. The schedule for photocopy and revaluation is communicated to the students by DBATU as and when it is declared. This entire process is conducted online, where students utilize their PRN and password to apply for photocopy and revaluation. Currently, the fees for photocopy and revaluation are directly paid to the university through student login only. Once the application and fees are submitted, the university sends a photocopy of the answer book to the student’s registered email. The university then replaces the student’s statement of marks and provides a new mark statement to the student
- Grievances Redressal System: -
The examination section has implemented a grievances redressal system to handle and resolve various issues such as result queries, photocopy requests, and exam form filling problems. There are two categories of grievances related to examinations:
- Grievances that can be resolved through direct communication with the University via Web Mail. This includes grievances related to exam forms, photocopy requests, and revaluation forms.
- Grievances that require students to submit supporting documents along with their application to the University. This category includes grievances related to with held results due to backlog or eligibility issues, subject absenteeism, and name corrections.
To address these grievances, the University has established a WhatsApp group, email conversation and Ticket system where institute coordinator can raise the queries and seek resolution.
- Convocation: -
It is mandatory for students to apply for their Degree Certificate (Convocation) after the final year B. Tech. results are declared. The university sends a notification to the Institute level regarding the conduction of the convocation ceremony, along with the degree certificates and a list of students who have applied for convocation. DBATU and the institute examination section send a message to all the students who have applied for convocation, providing them with the details of the ceremony at the Institute level. Additionally, the individual departments contact the students and inform them about attending the convocation ceremony. The Institute conducts the convocation ceremony in accordance with the guidelines set by DBATU.